Imagem de capa de Mickey Pad
Mickey Pad

Mickey Pad

Cidade/EstadoJundiaí / SP

Mickey Pad - Network

Composição: Mickey Pad.
Mickey Pad - Network You gotta find another way There're other games that you can play These are the likes that ruin your day Believe the fake life you make Is that all you wanna show? These are the things you don't wanna know Please give me your like... give me your view... I have no life, but here's my reel Hit the fucking like In the bloody line... Write the hate you have inside These are the likes that ruin your day There're other games that you can play You gotta find another way Believe the fake life you make Is that all you wanna show? These are the things you don't wanna know Please give me your like... give me your view... I have no life, but here's my reel Hit the fucking like In the bloody line... Write the hate you have inside




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