Imagem de capa de Fenrir's Scar
Fenrir's Scar

Fenrir's Scar

Cidade/EstadoCampinas / SP

Heal You

Composição: Fenrir's Scar (André Baida & Desireé Rezende).
How I wish I could heal you How I wish I could ease your pain How I wanted to feel you If I could I would be there in your place Quisera eu curar sua dor Quisera eu calar a agonia Além dos olhos, músculos e ossos Além dos cortes e cicatrizes Até a alma e o coração ferido Até a escuridão que encobre seu ser You are not a burden You must not feel this way Tomorrow is a new day And the sun will rise again How I wish I could heal you How I wish I could ease your pain How I wanted to feel you If I could I would be there in your place Quisera eu saber como Apagar os seus traumas Libertá-lo de seus pesadelos e medos Curar todas as feridas I’ll always be here for you The only thing I can do is to hear you I’ll never judge, I’ll never leave And the sun will shine again for you How I wish I could heal you How I wish I could ease your pain How I wanted to feel you If I could I would be there in your place If I could you know that I would be there in your place How I wish, How I wish I could heal you




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